Package-level declarations


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class GofileClient(client: HttpClient) client that uses a pre-setup HttpClient.

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@Serializable(with = GofileContentSerializer::class)
sealed class GofileContent
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Serializer for GofileContent.

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File types.

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data class GofileCreateFolderResponse(val id: String, val type: GofileContentType, val name: String, val parentFolder: String, val createTime: Long, val childs: List<String>, val code: String)
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data class GofileGetAccountDetailsResponse(val token: String, val email: String, val tier: GofileTier, val tierAmount: Int? = null, val rootFolder: String, val filesCount: Int, val foldersCount: Int? = null, val totalSize: Double, val totalDownloadCount: Int? = null)

The statistics are updated every 24 hours.

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data class GofileGetServerResponse(val server: String)
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sealed class GofileOption

The value of the option to be defined.

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class GofileStatusException(val response: HttpResponse, val status: String) : IllegalStateException returns some error.

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@Serializable(with = GofileTierSerializer::class)
sealed class GofileTier

Account tier.

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class GofileTierSerializer : KSerializer<GofileTier>

Serializer for GofileTier.

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data class GofileUploadFileResponse(val downloadPage: String, val code: String, val parentFolder: String, val fileId: String, val fileName: String, val md5: String, val guestToken: String? = null)
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The content type could not be determined. Check the file or specify the contentType.


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suspend fun GofileClient.uploadFile(file: File, token: String? = null, folderId: String? = null, server: String? = null): Result<GofileUploadFileResponse>
suspend fun GofileClient.uploadFile(file: File, contentType: String, token: String? = null, folderId: String? = null, server: String? = null): Result<GofileUploadFileResponse>

Upload one file on a specific server. If you specify a folderId, the file will be added to this folder.