
data class GofileGetAccountDetailsResponse(val token: String, val email: String, val tier: GofileTier, val tierAmount: Int? = null, val rootFolder: String, val filesCount: Int, val foldersCount: Int? = null, val totalSize: Double, val totalDownloadCount: Int? = null)

The statistics are updated every 24 hours.

See also


Link copied to clipboard
constructor(token: String, email: String, tier: GofileTier, tierAmount: Int? = null, rootFolder: String, filesCount: Int, foldersCount: Int? = null, totalSize: Double, totalDownloadCount: Int? = null)


Link copied to clipboard

The email of an account.

Link copied to clipboard

A number of files.

Link copied to clipboard
val foldersCount: Int? = null
Link copied to clipboard

The root folder id.

Link copied to clipboard

The tier of an account.

Link copied to clipboard
val tierAmount: Int? = null

Dollars paid monthly.

Link copied to clipboard

The access token of an account.

Link copied to clipboard
val totalDownloadCount: Int? = null
Link copied to clipboard

A size of all files.