Package-level declarations


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interface KtInventory


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class KtInventoryProvider(plugin: Plugin)

KtInventory creator


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fun Plugin.ktInventory(bukkitInventory: Inventory): KtInventory
inline fun Plugin.ktInventory(bukkitInventory: Inventory, block: KtInventory.() -> Unit): KtInventory

Create KtInventory from Inventory.

fun Plugin.ktInventory(title: String, line: Int = 3, altColorChar: Char? = '&'): KtInventory
inline fun Plugin.ktInventory(title: String, line: Int = 3, altColorChar: Char? = '&', block: KtInventory.() -> Unit): KtInventory

Create KtInventory of chest type Inventory.

fun Plugin.ktInventory(title: String, type: InventoryType, altColorChar: Char? = '&'): KtInventory
inline fun Plugin.ktInventory(title: String, type: InventoryType, altColorChar: Char? = '&', block: KtInventory.() -> Unit): KtInventory

Create KtInventory of specific type Inventory.